Book a Viewing
Holding Deposit (per tenancy) = Equal to 1 weeks (agreed) rent
Tenancy Deposit (per tenancy)
Rent under £50,000 per year : 5 weeks rent
Rent of over £50,000 per year : 6 weeks rent
Unpaid Rent: Interest at 3% above the Bank of England Base rate from the due date until paid
Lost Key(s) or other Security Device : Tenants are liable for the cost of replacing any lost keys(s) or other security device(s).
of Contract - (Tenants Request)
£50 per agreed variation
of Sharer - (Tenants Request)
£50 per replacement tenant or any reasonable costs incurred if higher
Termination - (Tenants Request)
This is not an automatic right and will be reviewed & agreed on a case by
case basis.
You will only be charged the following fees if the
annual rent exceeds £100,000, or the property is occupied by a Company or the
property is not used as a main or primary home
Tenancy Agreement |
£300 |
Extension Agreement |
£125 |
Company Reference |
£175 |
Individual Reference Fee (per person) |
£75 |
Administration |
£50 |
Damage Fee |
£90 |
Guarantor Reference per guarantor |
£100 |
Deed of Guarantee |
£75 |
Check–In (minimum fee) |
£72 |
Arrears Fee |
£30 |
Overpaid Rent Return |
£30 |
Pet Licence |
£75 |
Change of Sharer |
£300 |
The Initial Money will be confirmed and
must be paid by debit card or bank transfer. We do not have the facilities to
accept cash.
Optional extras if agreed
Fees may be charged per property or per tenancy basis. Please call us to discuss our fees for this property in more detail.
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